Montessori Music lessons for Early Years
Age 6 months - 7 years

Sound Foundations is our flagship Early Years Programme for Babies and Toddlers which is aligned with Montessori principles and the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) music framework.

With the active support of their carers, we introduce the children to a variety of musical syles, movement, rhythm and pitch. Without realising it, the foundations for musical expression are laid during these sessions.

We know from the research that these early music making experiences set children up for academic success later in life as they develop the cognitive, creative and communication skills needed for more formal learning.

Explore our suite of Early Years classes below and request a taster class or classes.  It would be our pleasure to welcome you to class!

Boogie Infants

Boogie Babies and Buddies

Montessori Piano Classes

Singing Classes

Saxophone Classes

Drum Classes

Children with Additinal Needs