Boogie Babies and Buddies Classes

Aimed at 0-3 year olds, Boogie Babies and Buddies gives your child a joyful and structured introduction to music making through a curriculum that incorporates music, movement, singing, percussion and rhythm games.  

The Boogie Babies and Buddies format is designed to help children learn how to control their impulses, listen and follow instructions, learn to keep a beat, learn to recognise and read simple rhythm notation and to develop their sense of pitch.

Boogie Babies and Buddies is also a pre-instrumental training ground for aspiring early musicians. The class is perfect for helping children acquire the skills they need to be successful in the Montessori Music classes and beyond.  From years of experience we know that children who attend and settle into Boogie Babies and Buddies classes are more likely to be successful at higher levels of musical studies.  

Every child must be accompanied by a fun-loving and supportive adult who is willing to actively participate in the class.

Classes run all year long, during school term times.  There are 12 classes per term.  

The first six months of Boogie Babies classes are paid for by the Making a Difference Initiative.